How Hayden, Gwenyth, Kerry, and Isla Stay Slim


Daily Makeover had something to dish about when they revealed some of Hollywood’s Hottest women’s secrets to staying slim.

Hayden Panettiere admitted to Women’s Health that she works out by taking the stairs. She always walks 12 flights of stairs, and we can admit that the stairs is giving that body a boost!

“Confessions of a Shopaholic” star Isla Fisher had lost 70 pounds doing yoga after her second pregnancy. Fisher told Fitness Mag: “When you’re really focused on your breathing, you’re able to clear your head, and all the worries of everyday life go out the window. I love that feeling of being connected with my own body.” We agree!

The famous Gwenyth Paltrow keeps fit by working out with the famed celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson five days a week for two hours, doing cardio and pilates. She is also an author of two nutrition books with her trainer. Way to go Gwen!

“Felicity” star Keri Russell does it the old school, normal way….Workout DVD’s! The busy mother of two doesn’t have time to hit the gym, instead she does a 20 minute toning routine from a workout video.

Fitness Correspondent: Hannah Townsley

Photo Credit: Google