Jessica Alba’s Flat Belly Secret

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Bouncing back after having a baby to your pre baby body usually isn’t something that can happen over night. It takes time for your workouts and clean eating habits to show results. But somehow celebrities seem to bounce back quicker then ever. It seems as if after they pop out a kid, they are covering a fitness magazine the following day.

How do they do it? Well actress Jessica Alba seems to stick by a little secret that seems to have taken her a long way.

After having her last kid she admitted she wore 2 corsets for 3 months straight in order to get her flat stomach back!

Wow! Now that’s dedication.

If wearing corsets isn’t your thing, next time your in the gym incorporate wearing a slimmer belt. A slimmer belt, is similar to what the sauna can do for you. However, there is no way to spot reduce one section, but many celebrities including Angela Simmons and others seem to stick by it.

A slimmer belt can be found at your local target store or even on here on Amazon.

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